Operation: See. Help. Love

Evangelism | Engagement |


To bring unified faith, hope, and love to the heart of Georgia by focusing on 3 vital relationships:

(1) The Local Church and God. (prayer & worship).

(2) The believers and leaders in the Local Church. (edification & equipping).

(3) The Local Church and The Community. (outreach & evangelism)


HOPE FOR THE HEART OF GEORGIA is an inter-denominational vehicle for cultivating, facilitating, and demonstrating the unity described in John 17 through unified prayer, worship, tangible acts of service, and events.


UNITY THROUGH PRAYER: H4HG prioritizes collective prayer and fasting as the “tip of the spear” and heartbeat of the organization. (James 5:16)

UNITY THROUGH WORSHIP: H4HG values collective worship with fellow believers and views it as paramount to our relationship with God and people.

UNITY THROUGH COLLABORATION: H4HG is committed to building meaningful connections and sustainable partnerships with local churches, community organizations, and individuals throughout the heart of Georgia.

UNITY THROUGH SERVICE: H4HG is devoted to acts of service that are rooted in the love of God and love for people.

Becoming One. Together.

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